Gum Treatments
Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth.Gum Disease also known as periodontist Disease begins with bacterial growth in the mouth, the localized inflammation of the gingiva is initiated by bacteria in the dental plaque, which is a microbial biofilm that forms on the teeth and gingiva. Nearly 70% of the people are affected by this disease at some point in their life. Though such a prevalent disease most people are unaware of the issue and the problems it can cause

More information
No, gum diseases cannot be treated on its own. Gum diseases are caused by the development of tartar on the teeth leading to gum infection. This requires dental cleaning and good oral care routine. Get professional cleaning at your nearest Emerald glow dental.
Gum diseases are categorized into 4 stages, gingivitis, slight periodontal disease, moderate periodontal disease, and advanced periodontal disease. Curing gum diseases and gum infection depends on the stage at which treatment begins. The recovery time at stage one is 10-14 days.
Yes, gum diseases are treatable. The recovery and treatment duration depends on the stage at which a gum infection is identified and preventive measures are taken.
The first sign of gum disease is red, tender and swollen gums that cause discomfort and pain. Gums can also bleed while brushing, which is commonly considered as a sign of gingivitis-stage one of gum diseases.
Some Facts
-> Bleeding of gums when you brush or floss your teeth.
-> Pulling of gums away from the teeth.
-> Teeth loosening.
-> Change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite (malocclusion).
-> Plus between teeth and gums.
-> Pain while chewing.
-> Teeth sensitivity.
-> Tender, red or swollen gums.
-> Ill-fitting partial dentures.
-> Foul breath that doesn’t go away even after brushing.
-> Deep space formation between gums and teeth.
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- 1800 456 7890
- contact@emeraldglowdental.com