Third molars, commonly referred to as wisdom teeth, are located at the back of the mouth, behind the second molars. Wisdom teeth extraction is needed as many a time there is not enough room for them to erupt, creating various problems and pain.
Most often, there is insufficient space in the mouth which leads to third molars getting stuck in an undesirable position. Sometimes they are not able to erupt fully leading to what is referred to as impacted teeth, i.e caught either under the gums or in the bone. Since these teeth are not needed to maintain the bite, extracting them is the best solution. If left untreated it can lead to potentially harmful effects like infection etc.
Reasons to Remove Wisdom Teeth
Here are possible problems associated with your wisdom teeth that makes their removal necessary:
Inadequate space for the third molar and improper positioning can damage the tooth right in front of it which is the second molar. Gum disease, bone loss, cavities are some of the problems that can occur in the second molar.
Impacted wisdom teeth can push the remaining teeth and may contribute to their crowding. This is noticeable in the lower front teeth which become misaligned or crowded.
Although not very common, the area around an impacted wisdom tooth can give rise to cysts and tumors.
Are Wisdom Teeth Always Extracted?
Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Wisdom teeth that are erupted completely, straight, aligned with other teeth, and pose no harm can be left untouched. Wisdom teeth extractions are performed when they are associated with problems that can lead to serious complications in the future. A thorough evaluation is crucial to remove problematic wisdom teeth.
Get Expert Care for your Wisdom Tooth Extraction
At Emerald Glow Dental Centre, your comfort and satisfaction are our top priority. Wisdom teeth extractions are done by Oral Surgeons, who are experts with few extra years of specialized education and training in this field.
Your mouth will be thoroughly numbed before the extraction. If necessary, some amount of gum tissue, as well as bone that is covering the tooth, might be removed. Extractions are done with a force that is as gentle as possible. Sometimes the tooth needs to be cut into smaller pieces and stitches may be required.
After the extraction, our dental specialist will provide simple care instructions.
Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions
The cost of your wisdom tooth extraction is determined by several factors. The level of difficulty involved in removing the teeth, the need for sutures, etc. are some of the determinants. During your consultation, our specialists will perform a complete examination, review your X-rays and provide you with an estimate of the fees.
Schedule an Appointment if you need Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Your Emerald Glow Dental Centre specialists and staff provide the highest quality of service for your wisdom tooth extraction and other treatments. If your third molars are healthy and do not pose a threat to your other teeth, they can stay in place. The best way to find out if you need wisdom tooth extraction is to call at +91 8097168879 or email at and schedule an Appointment Today with our clinic in Mumbai.
More information
Depending on the position of the wisdom tooth in relation to the nerve, the maxillary sinus as well as roots of adjacent teeth, wisdom tooth extraction can be complex. Removal of bone is needed in case of bony impactions. Great care needs to be taken by the surgeon to avoid damage to the adjacent vital structures. Hence it is best to get wisdom teeth extracted by an Oral Surgeon, who has a few added years of education in the field along with greater experience.
It should take 45 minutes or less. You will be anesthetized thoroughly so that you don’t feel any pain and are comfortable during the procedure.
They generally erupt or emerge through the gums between the ages of 17 to 25 years. They are located at the back of the mouth in the top and the bottom jaws, behind the second molar. They are the last of the permanent teeth to erupt.
Third molars are also called wisdom teeth as they normally appear in the mouth in the late teens the early twenties, which is the age typically related to an increase in maturity or ‘wisdom’.
- Have your dentist check your wisdom teeth if you are 16 to 25 years old.
- Your dentist may recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed if they cause pain or an infection, crowd other teeth, or get stuck (impacted) and can’t break through your gums.
- Some dentists and oral surgeons think it’s best to have impacted wisdom teeth removed (extracted) before you’re 20 years old, because it’s easier to take them out when the roots are not completely formed and bones of your jaw are softer. And when you’re younger, you tend to heal faster.
- Wisdom teeth that are healthy and come in properly don’t cause problems.
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